
Saturday, January 15, 2011

You can't believe everything you read

"According to a new study in the journal Diabetes, drinking four cups of coffee every day can decrease a woman's risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by more than half."

Hmm, aren't publications supposed to be capitalized? Or maybe there is no such thing as the "journal Diabetes" and is making up it's own rule and capitalizing diseases.

Whatever, based on this study, to which they give no link to, I can quit worrying about Diabetes. It would seem I'm safe since I drink pots of coffee a day vs cups of coffee. But I have cut back. Since I have started keeping a record of all expenditures whether it be by cash, check, online payment, atm, etc. I have stopped hitting the coffee shop for Lattes as often.

Anyway, a quick Google search and I don't find a "journal Diabetes", you can buy journals to track whatever people with Diabetes track, but I did find this article which in the end since they only studied Finnish men and women, who apparently drink a whole lot of coffee, but an amount they don't tell you, just goes to prove you can't believe it just because you read in on the internet. Or heard it on the news. Or read it in the paper. I have recent personal experience with newspaper articles. The article would lead you to believe something totally different from what you actually saw with your own eyes.

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